Why choose an Electric Bike? Eskute's Top 8 reasons why.

how to choose electric bike

Welcome to the future, where everything is electrically assisted and easier to use, just like those adjustable standing tables for work that's recently popular. With an influx of demands due to working from home, people re-invented standing desks, and what's not to say, electric bikes. Electric bikes being one of the leading examples of innovation, are tackling the World by storm, and there are simple reasons why. Chances are, you reading this article and the reasons why have something similar.

Nicknamed the "E-Bike" (Power Bike or Booster Bike as well). This invention was generously given the title of the best nature-preserving device of the decade. The reason being, they can technically replace just about any short-distance transportation device. Think small, petrol scooters, short car rides, heck, if you're a riding enthusiast, you could probably substitute a fully-fledged car. In a nutshell, they offer the best of both worlds in terms of traveling: low cost, energy-efficient, emission-free transportation with additional physical and health benefits.

Let us tell you eight reasons why you should choose an electric bike for your next ride.

Top 8 reasons why:

Assisted Biking

Fueled by a battery, electric bikes have a function named "pedal-assist." This function derives power from the motor to propel you forward as you pedal, giving a significant boost in speed. This energy exchange reduces the strain needed from you, which helps save your knees and thighs for the walk later. A more impressive e-bike like our Voyager has the included capabilities to conquer hills and inclines, taking head-on any terrain you can throw at it. The invention of assisted biking has allowed all ages to ride flawlessly and for more extended periods. All while improving physical and health benefits. Would you agree?

Fast, Flexible, and Convenient

A little effort goes a long way. With the electric bike's invention, you'll now have the extra energy to tackle miles and miles with minimal effort. Conveniently ride in multi-purpose cycle lanes to slash your time commuting, and obviously, that comes with little to no traffic and parking costs compared to a motorized vehicle.

Electric bikes have been here for decades, and now, they have evolved so much that they look exactly like their predecessors. The only noticeable difference is not within the physical look but more of a "low-humming sound" produced by the motor when engaged. So why no take advantage of the extra distance and speed?

Fitness Suitable for Anyone

Riding a bike is as good as physical exercise as compared to anything else. Why would you see stationary bicycles being hoarded in the gym anyway? According to a study of scientists at the Switzerland's University of Basel, riding an E-bike is just as good of exercise as a regular bike. Even though backed by pedal assist, it's undeniable that exercise is exercise and stands great for your health. It's easier to ride than a conventional bike, thus allowing the whole family, aged one to a hundred (maybe that's stretching it too far), to ride together.

Practically Pocket Change

Owning an electric bike is generally pocket change when comparing to a car. If you use an electric bike instead of a motor vehicle, it'll probably save you enough to get another bicycle in a year. But that's talking in a kleptomaniac sense. Not everybody needs two electric bikes. I'm sure a hundred kilometers of distance is enough for the city.


Global warming and climate changes are significant factors of impact on our planet, and we contribute more daily. Trying to cut down on this impact may prove unfavorable to many, as daily necessities like travel are affected. Electric bikes emit lower pollution per kilometer than motorcycles and cars. One hundred electric bikes equal to a vehicle in terms of CO2 emission they produce daily, given the same distance. Do the math.

Designs are Limitless

With today's technology, everything seems possible. If you need an electric bike with a specific function like a wagon attached, you'll most probably be able to find it. Who knows what sort of crazy designs are coming up this year. Always check back into Eskute for more.

They help you explore your city or even the World

E-bikes also make ideal touring bikes. Fatter tires are standard, and many have eyelets to allow panniers and racks to be fitted. This means riding long distances will not only be more comfortable but also more manageable because, again, that motor can be called on to help out when the weight of your camping kit makes your legs feel like stopping.

Amazingly Fun to Ride

Trust us on this one. It's like learning how to ride a bike for the first time, minus the falling and scraping of your knee. Once you engage the pedal, be prepared to propel so far that you forgot to pedal again.


To summarize, electric bikes are the future of short-distance transportation. They're here to stay for long as well. Proving numerous advantages to those who choose to ride e-bikes, individuals will want to take the plunge regardless of travel. Opportunely, Eskute has developed two types of bikes, Wayfarer and Voyager, for different requirements. They're incredibly affordable as well. So why wait? Take the plunge with us.

1 comment



The bike does look good for the price. I have been trying to find out more about the company. I have come across a few comments from people who are suggesting that this is a scam. I am probably going to be to nervous to take the chance

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